Interval Training Techniques for ACFT Success In 2024

Interval Training Techniques for ACFT Success In 2024

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is the newest physical assessment for soldiers in the US Army. It replaced the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) in 2022 as the test of record to assess soldiers’ physical readiness for combat situations. The ACFT features six events that challenge muscular strength, endurance, power, speed, coordination, flexibility, balance, and anaerobic capacity. In this article we talk about Interval Training Techniques for ACFT Success In 2024.

To perform well on the ACFT, soldiers must incorporate focused interval training into their regular exercise routines. Interval training alternates between intense bursts of exercise and recovery periods. This type of training builds both aerobic and anaerobic capacity which is required to max out the ACFT events.

This article will provide an overview of the ACFT events and detail interval training techniques soldiers can use to improve performance in each one.

Overview of ACFT Events

Overview of ACFT Events

The ACFT consists of six events completed in order:

  1. Three Repetition Maximum Deadlift (MDL): Tests lower body strength needed to lift heavy loads off the ground. Requires performing as many deadlifts as possible with 140 lbs (men) or 100 lbs (women).
  2. Standing Power Throw (SPT): Tests ability to generate explosive muscle power by throwing a 10-lb medicine ball overhead and backward as far as possible.
  3. Hand Release Pushups (HRP): Tests upper body muscular endurance. Done from the front-leaning rest position, keeping the body straight from head to heels.
  4. Sprint-Drag-Carry (SDC): Tests strength, endurance and anaerobic capacity. Includes a 25m sprint, dragging a 90lb sled 25m, and carrying two 40lb kettlebells for 25m.
  5. Leg Tuck (LTK): Tests core strength, endurance and grip. Hanging from a bar, pull knees up to elbows as many times as possible.
  6. Two Mile Run (TMR): Tests aerobic endurance needed to move rapidly across varied terrain.

Interval Training for the MDL

Since the MDL tests lower body maximal strength, the goal of training is to build muscle power. Interval training for this event should focus on high weight, low rep sets with full recovery between intense efforts.

Try these MDL interval training techniques:

  • Perform 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps at 80-90% of your one rep max, resting 2-3 minutes between sets
  • Incorporate power lifts like squats, trap bar deadlifts and cleans
  • Utilize resistance bands and chains to provide increased resistance

The above will build lower body strength so you can lift heavier loads on the MDL.

Interval Training for the SPT

The SPT requires generating fast explosive triple extension of the ankles, knees and hips. Interval training should focus on total body power exercises done at high intensities with full recovery.

Effective SPT interval training techniques include:

  • 5×5 plyometric box jumps
  • 3×10 med ball overhead throws
  • 3×10 broad jumps
  • Sled sprints (25m)

Focus on quality movement and rest 1-2 minutes between sets. This will build muscle power and capacity for force production.

Interval Training for the HRP

Since the HRP tests muscular endurance, interval training should focus on higher rep sets of pushups done at challenging intensities. Allow just enough rest to maintain form but continually push endurance.

HRP interval training techniques:

  • 5-10 sets max rep pushups with 60 sec rest
  • Down/Up Pushup Pyramid Circuit
  • Pushup Tabata Intervals (20 sec work/10 sec rest)
  • Resistance Band Assisted Pushups

Doing high rep pushup intervals will extend endurance for this core ACFT event.

Interval Training for the SDC

The multi-task SDC requires anaerobic endurance, grip strength, single leg stability and mental toughness. Interval training should incorporate similar total body challenges done continuously with brief recovery.

Utilize these SDC interval training techniques:

  • Farmer’s Walk/Lateral Sled Drag Complexes
  • Kettlebell Suitcase Carry & Sprint Intervals (25m each)
  • Multi-Plane Pro Agility Ladder Drills
  • Sandbag Getups and Drags

Training anaerobically through varied full-body challenges prepares both physiological and mental endurance needed to max this test.

Interval Training for the LTK

The LTK puts focus on the core stabilizers with extreme grip demand. Intervals here should train explosive contraction of abs/hips along with grip strength and endurance.

Incorporate these LTK interval techniques into training:

  • Max Rep Hanging Leg Tucks (build strength)
  • Eccentric Negatives (5 sec down/explosive up)
  • Ab Fallout Rollouts w/ Med Ball
  • Dead Hangs, Active Hangs, Flexed Arm Hangs

Extending time under tension during bodyweight exercises helps build the trunk/grip capacity to excel on pull-up challenges like the LTK.

Interval Training for the TMR

The two mile run evaluates aerobic endurance for covering long distances quickly. Interval running at varied intensities is key for race readiness.

Use these interval running techniques to boost TMR performance:

  • 10x400m @ Mile Pace w/ 400m rest
  • 5x800m @ 5k Pace w/ 400m rest
  • 20min Hard/10min Easy Continuous Fartlek
  • Hill Sprints (10x 20sec)

Blending lactate threshold efforts with VO2max intervals improves conditioning for fast 5k+ racing needed for achieving maximum TMR points.


Success on the well-rounded Army Combat Fitness Test requires training multiple fitness domains from strength and power to endurance and mobility. Following the interval training techniques outlined above will deliver results across all six ACFT events. Tailoring intervals to target each event’s specific demands produces soldiers physically prepared for the challenges of modern warfare.

Remember to periodize these focused ACFT intervals within an overall program progression that includes active rest and recovery. Proper planning, commitment and intensity in interval training will lead to scoring high on the Army’s most critical test of soldier readiness. I sincerely hope you find this “Interval Training Techniques for ACFT Success In 2024” article helpful.


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