Essential Gear for ACFT Training In 2024

Essential Gear for ACFT Training In 2024

The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is the newest physical assessment for soldiers in the US Army. It replaced the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) in October 2020 as the test of record to assess soldiers’ physical readiness. The ACFT aims to better prepare soldiers for the rigors of combat by incorporating strength, endurance, and mobility into tested events. In this article we talk about Essential Gear for ACFT Training In 2024.

Training for the ACFT requires some specialized gear beyond typical PT clothes and shoes. The six events in the ACFT challenge soldiers in new ways compared to the APFT. Having the right gear can help you perform your best and prevent injuries during training. This blog post outlines the essential gear you need to properly prepare for the ACFT.

ACFT Events Overview

Before going into gear recommendations, let’s briefly overview the six ACFT events:

  • 3 Repetition Maximum Deadlift: Test muscular strength by deadlifting the maximum weight possible for 3 reps
  • Standing Power Throw: Test ability to generate power by throwing a 10-lb medicine ball backward over your head as far as possible
  • Hand Release Pushups: Test muscular endurance with hand release pushups, done from the front leaning rest position
  • Sprint-Drag-Carry: Test strength, endurance and anaerobic capacity with various sprint, drag and carry tasks like hauling sleds and kettlebells
  • Leg Tuck: Test core strength by raising your knees up to elbows while hanging from a bar
  • 2 Mile Run: Test aerobic endurance by running 2 miles as fast as possible


A good pair of training shoes is one of the most vital pieces of ACFT prep gear. You need shoes that can handle running, lateral movements, dragging, carrying – a wide range of motions. Cross training shoes work well for most ACFT events. Make sure to break them in before testing to prevent blisters.

Some other shoe options to consider:

  • Weightlifting shoes: Good for deadlift with solid arch support and little cushioning
  • Trail running shoes: Light and great for sprints and runs in uneven terrain
  • Tactical boots: Provide ankle support for load carrying events

Workout Clothes

Moisture wicking shirts and pants are ideal for ACFT training since you sweat a lot going through different movements. Avoid loose clothing that could trip you up especially during the sprints and runs. Bring extra shirts and socks so you can change when wet.

In colder weather, layer up with long sleeve shirts, pants, gloves and hats as needed. Thermal layers help keep muscles warm. Don’t let cold weather limit your training.


Staying hydrated is vital during intense ACFT workouts. Bring enough water to last through your full training session. Hydration packs and water bottles allow you to drink on the go between events. Electrolyte tablets or powders help replenish nutrients lost while sweating.

Fruit and sports drinks also provide hydration, energy and electrolytes. Just avoid sugary beverages that can cause an energy crash.


Gloves protect your hands whether lifting weights, carrying heavy items or crossing the finish line of a sprint-drag-carry. Full finger tactical gloves provide all around protection. Weight lifting gloves offer breathability and flexibility for deadlifts and medicine ball throws. And running gloves maintain dexterity for equipment carry events or the 2 mile run.

Weight Vests and Plates

Adding weight with vests and plates builds the strength needed for ACFT tasks like the deadlift, pushups and sprint-drag-carry. Weighted vests distribute load across your torso for balanced training. Use them for calisthenics like pushups and sit ups to increase resistance. Just start light to prevent injury.

Bumper plates also add load for deadlift training. Start with low weight plates and gradually increase as your strength builds. Combine bumper plates with a trap bar or hex bar which offer several grip positions.

Sleds and Prowlers

Sleds and Prowlers are staples in athletic training for building explosive leg power and metabolic conditioning. They closely mimic the resistance you have to overcome during the sprint-drag-carry event. Hook sleds up to weight plates with a rope or chain to set the level of resistance.

Use sleds and Prowlers for short, intense interval training sessions. Sprint hard while pulling weight for 10 to 30 seconds, then rest and repeat. These devices train similar muscles and energy systems as the real ACFT equipment carry and drag tasks.

Stopwatches and Distance Markers

How fast and how far you go matter on the ACFT, so bring stopwatches and distance markers to training. Stopwatches help you test and improve 2 mile run times or sprint intervals with a sled. Distance markers let you set up accurate courses for sprints, shuttle runs or weighted carries.

Smart watches also provide timing and in some cases, distance tracking via GPS. Shareable stopwatches and apps allow your training partners to time each other on different events too.

Foam Rollers and Massagers

Between all the running, dragging, lifting and obstacle courses, your body takes a pounding during ACFT prep. Foam rollers and massagers help speed muscle recovery by improving circulation and easing soreness. Use them during cool downs or at home to roll out tight muscles groups.

Recovery boots offer advanced compression technology to further help flush metabolic waste from hard working legs and calves. Give your body the rehab it needs to sustain high intensity multi-event workouts.

The ACFT challenges fitness in new ways compared to old Army PRT standards. Following a tailored training plan and using the right gear helps set you up for success. Invest in these essential items to give you the tools to properly prep for the ACFT’s tests of strength, endurance and mobility. Train hard and smart in the right gear to max your score. I sincerely hope you find this “Essential Gear for ACFT Training In 2024” article helpful.


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